3M 301 masking tape

Whether you’re a contractor or a home-improvements enthusiast, 3M 301+ Performance Yellow Masking Tape can save you hours of aggravation and elevate your ability to create clean, professional paint lines around your projects. Crown molding? No problem. Pinterest-worthy latticed paint patterns? You got this. Antique window ledges? A breeze. 3M Performance Masking Tape creates sharp paint lines and can withstand paint bleed through like the pro you are. This industrial-grade masking tape bonds well with irregular surfaces, such as stippled concrete, and can withstand temperatures up to 225°F so you can count on high-performance results no matter what type of project you’re tackling.


The key to successfully using painters’ masking tape is preparation. First, pick your tape. 3M 301+ Performance Yellow Masking Tape comes in a variety of widths. Choose from 12 mm, 18 mm, 24 mm, 36 mm, 48 mm, 72 mm, 96 mm, or 1490 mm widths depending on the level of detail you need to achieve. Whether you’re sectioning off paint blocks for a design or protecting edge work, each width gives you unique flexibility over your work. 

Next, clean the area you are about to tape. Dusty surfaces decrease your tape’s stickiness and create tiny gaps where paint can bleed through. Once your surface is clean, you may want to use a drop cloth, plastic sheeting, or craft paper to protect your floors, windows, and ledges from paint splatter. Mask the edges of your protective cloth or paper to ensure stability while you work and pay careful attention to the border between your baseboard and floor so paint doesn’t sneak past you.


The devil is in the details when you start applying your masking tape. If there is one step in the painting process you shouldn’t rush – it’s this one. Either invest in an inexpensive tape applicator or use a putty knife to reinforce your tape along the edges and corners of your work. This will ensure your carefully placed tape is secure and leak free once you start painting. You may even want to go back over your tape with a putty knife or ruler after you have completed application to ensure the edges are tight. You won’t regret the extra 10 minutes of prep work when you are enjoying perfect paint lines and professional grade results. Trust us.

Because you can’t move, pull at, or adjust your masking tape once you start painting to avoid smudges and leaks, investing in high-grade tape such as 3M 301+ Performance Yellow Masking Tape gives you the peace of mind to work with confidence. You can trust 3M’s reputation and tried and true masking formula to protect areas where you don’t want paint and help you create borders where you do. So what are you waiting for, get painting! 


3M Performance Masking Tape is made to peel off as soon as you’ve finished painting while your paint is still wet and fresh. Simply lift the edge and gently pull your tape away at a 45-degree angle (being careful not to brush your finished work with discarded tape). If your paint has started to dry and has become tacky but hasn’t finished setting, let your masking tape rest on the protective surface over night so you don’t pull off more paint than you intended during removal. After at least eight hours of dry time, score the masking tape at one- to two-foot intervals and slowly peel away the tape to reveal your work.

Yes, it’s that simple. 3M gives you the tools you need to be a painting pro and complete projects you only dreamed of. Whether you’re enhancing your portfolio or getting ready to Pin your latest creation, you won’t be disappointed. 

Feel free to contact us with any additional questions. 

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